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60 grams of loose leaf tea, organic, made in Gooseberry Hill. 


This loose leaf tea is a revitilising, brain boosting and energizing blend curated to enhance mental clarity and invigorate the mind. With a combination of stimulating herbs, this tea promotes sustained focus, heightened cognitive function, and a surge of energy. It offers the perfect pick-me-up for students in need of a mental boost to tackle their academic pursuits and stay alert throughout the day.



 Prior consultation with a healthcare provider is advised during pregnancy, nursing, liver disorders, epilepsy, concurrent use of sedatives or the presence of specific health concerns.




Sencha green tea - anti-oxidant, increases metabolism, mental alertness & immunity.


- Withania somnifera radix (Ashwaghanda root) is cognition enhancing, adaptogenic (helps the body deal with stress), neuron-protective, anti-oxidant, a nervous system tonic, immune-modulator (as it increases white blood cell count), anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic (helps deal with anxiety) and an anti-depressant. 


- Yerba mate, contains caffeine (less then coffee, but more then tea), improves concentration, memory, mood and alertness, redues fatigue and enhances physical performance. 


- Siberian Ginseng, is an adaptogen (helps to deal with stress), is a general stimulant & tonic, is an immune-modulator, cardio-tonic (supports the heart), thympleptic (mood enhancer). (Improves mental & physical performance & immunity). 


- Bacopa monniera (Bhrami) is an anti-oxidant, neuron-protective, cognition enhancing, anti-depressant and an anti-inflammatory, being particularlly beneficial for the brain and memory enhancement. 


- Salvia rosemarinus (Rosemary), is a circulatory stimulant, thymoleptic (mood enhancer), carminitive & spasmolytic (relaxes the stomach), anti-ulcer, anti-microbial/ fungal/ bacterial and anti-oxidant. (Mood enhancement & memory & study aid).


- Ginko bilobais an neuron-protective, anti-oxidant, cerebral & circulatory stimulant, anti-inflmmatory (gets the blood moving to the brain for a study aid). 


- Holy basil (tulsi)  is an adaptogenic (helps the body adapt under physical/ mental/ emotional stressors) and provides a natural source of energy for focus, without the crash associated with coffee. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the brain. 


Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorish root) is an adrenal tonic , beneficial for stress related exhaustion & rebuilding energy reserves. It is also an anti-inflammatory  and has benefits in the gastro-intestinal and respiratory system. 


  • Herbal ingredients include

    Sencha green tea,

    Withania somnifera radix (Ashwaghanda root),

    Yerba mate,

    Panax Ginseng,

    Bacopa monniera (Bhrami),

    Salvia rosemarinus (Rosemary),

    Ginko biloba (Ginko),

    Holy basil (tulsi)   &

    Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorish root). 

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